MarcomCentral FusionPro Expression

Create unique, personalized images for multi-channel campaigns

About MarcomCentral® FusionPro® Expression image personalization software

Become proficient quickly with image personalization software that merges data, imagery and fonts. The image management software creates templates (FPX files) that can be uploaded to complementary software products, or it can compose images directly with the built-in producer engine on either a Mac® or Windows® computer. With minimal training, you can produce eye-catching designs in formats that include JPG, TIF, PNG, EPS and PDF.


  • Set your company apart with personalized images that distinguish your print, email, web and mobile marketing campaigns.
  • Combine data and imagery to make each reader feel special, which is the key to increasing readership and response rates.
  • Pursue nearly endless creative possibilities with an unlimited use agreement and no per-image charges.

Produce unique, compelling, personalized images

Personalized images in your marketing campaigns help you to connect with your audiences, increase readership and improve response rates. The intuitive interface makes it easy to apply your creativity to prebuilt templates or create your own templates:

  • Multiple font options allow you to wrap, bend and skew graphic text to any form.
  • Built-in slice technologies use a fraction of the total design, allowing fast image composition.
  • Six font personalization methods include image characters, masking text, fill randomly, nodes and paths, tiles and textures.
  • The template library offers unique images and fonts suitable for multi-channel marketing, or import your own assets.
  • Output images using a local desktop computer or the cloud servers of MarcomCentral®.

Expand your marketing capabilities

It’s a challenge to capture the attention of people who are bombarded with competing messages every day. Make sure your communications are cost effective and memorable by integrating two or more products: