Case Study: Suffolk County Clerk's Office
About the Suffolk County Clerk’s Office
The Suffolk County Clerk’s Office in Long Island, New York, provides a wide range of services for local constituents. One of its most important services is managing several centuries’ worth of real estate transaction documents.
The Director of Optical Imaging for the Suffolk County Clerk’s Office enlisted our help to devise a comprehensive solution that included
copying, printing, faxing and email.
“We also needed card swipers and a software solution that allowed us to establish hard cost limits, so that if you purchase a $10 debit card, you can only transact $10 worth of documents,” said the director.
From the catalog of Ricoh printing solutions, we went with Pharos Uniprint — a software originally designed for schools, where overcharges were deducted from student accounts. Other components of the solution included a freestanding debit card kiosk, an all-in-one multiunction printer (MFP) equipped for card-based payment, plus integration with the office’s back-end systems.